MHCT Session 5 – Avoiding Foreclosure


Video-narrated housing counselor training designed for prospective housing counselors, including prospective and current homeowners, renters, and industry professionals such as contractors, builders, realtors, bankers, and nonprofit entities.

NOTE:  All proceeds from courses, books, and other items are tax-deductible donations that go to provide food, water, and shelter for those who are homeless and in need.


MAAT Housing Counselors Training Session 5:  Avoiding Foreclosure

Session 5 is the fifth section of the housing counselor training course. It consists of narrated detailed videos with images and example counseling sessions between housing counselors and members (clients).

There are 3 components:

5.1 – Avoidance Strategies and Industry Practices
5.2 – Retention Options
5.3 – Disposition Options

After each session there is a Quiz called “Knowledge Check”, along with a Resource Folder containing pdfs, documents, and links to all resources used and referenced in the session.

Each session is designed to prepare you to take and effectively pass the test to become a professional housing counselor with HUD, NACA, or any other authorized housing agency.

This training has been designed not only for prospective housing counselors, but also for prospective and current homeowners, renters, and industry professionals such as contractors, builders, realtors, bankers, and nonprofit entities.

NOTE:  All proceeds from courses, books, and other items are tax-deductible donations that go to provide food, water, and shelter for those who are homeless and in need.